This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Download YouTube Videos Without Using Any Software

Download YouTube Video

Many users use YouTube to view the latest videos. However, YouTube does not allow users to download video from the site. There are lot lot of software which allow users to download YouTube videos, both through a desktop software and a online service.Whenever we watch YouTube videos, the video is downloaded and played back from our local cache

Now i'm going to show you a trick which will allow you to copy and store YouTube videos without any additional software, and will not cost you additional bandwidth.

Steps To Download/Copy YouTube Video to Your PC

Before performing the steps given below, make sure the hidden files are visible in Windows explorer. Make your hidden folders/files unhide in windows.

Step 1:
Browse and watch YouTube in any web browser.

Step 2:
If you like a video you watched, do not close the browser window or tab. In order to copy the downloaded video you need to keep the browser window open.

Step 3:
Navigate to the following location:
Windows XP: C drive:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\Local Settings\Temp

          Windows Vista or Windows 7: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp

Step 4:
In the temp folder look for file which has the name "fla*Some_Number*.tmp", for example: fla128.tmp or fla36.tmp.

Step 5: 
The fla*.tmp file is the video that was downloaded to your local cache. Copy the file to another folder and rename it to "Whatever_You_Like .flv"

That’s It, using the above steps you can download or store a video from YouTube without any software. You can use a  FLV player which can play all codes to watch the downloaded video or even play FLV files in Windows Media Player using a FLV codec.

Note: Sometime you will get an error while copying and pasting the fla*.tmp file to another folder, you can download a software called Unlocker to release locks on the file.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Make Your Computer Boot/Start Faster - Windows XP Trick

Does your computer take a long time to boot up? Don't worry. You can Make Your Computer Faster to boot up. Installing too much unnecessary software is a main reason for your slow computer. So first I suggest you to uninstall the unnecessary software that take time to boot up.

Most of the user stand by their computer instead of turning it off. Obviously their computer's are slow to boot up. I am giving you a very amazing trick that will remove the boot time of your computer.

To remove the boot time of your computer, you have to save your data and tasks before closing your computer. This process is known as Hibernation. It will just take almost 1 GB (According to your computer) or more space to hibernate your computer instead of stand by. It will not take any electricity while it is hibernated. So first you have to enable Hibernation in your computer.

Make Your Computer Faster With Hibernation

1. Go to Control Panel and double click on "Power Options".

2. Now click to the "Hibernation" tab and tick the "Enable hibernation" box.

Click the Apply or OK button to make the changes take effect.

Now your hibernation is enabled. You just want to hibernate your computer.

3. Close all the programs and windows and press Alt + F4. Then a shutdown box will appear. Now you will hold down the Shift button and there will be written "Hibernate" instead of standby. 

Click hibernate and your computer will be hibernated.

Make Computer Faster

Computer are fast but we made our computer slower by installing many unuseful programs in it. Mostly those computers are slow whose Hard Drives, RAM and CPU Speed is less. We can make our computer a little bit faster with some tricks. There are many ways to make your computer faster. We will talk about some common and good tricks to speed up your Computer.

Adjust your Visual Affect For Better Performance

 1. First of all right click on “My Computer” Shortcut on your desktop and then go to “Properties”. Then click to the “Advance” Tab. Then go to the performance settings (The first tab). Then choose the option number 3 “Adjust for best performance” and then apply and then click "OK".
2. Remove your background picture. After that you will see some change in your appearance. This will change your theme to the older one but don’t worry it will make your computer faster.

Increase Your Page file usage

1. First of all right click on “My Computer” Shortcut on your desktop and then go to Properties.

 2. Then click the “Advance” Tab. Then go to the Performance settings (The first tab). Then you will see three tabs. Click to the “Advance” Tab.

3. At last you will see a button of “Change”. Click to that button. Then select any drive and select “Custom size”.

4. In the “Initial size” Box you will write the size of the memory. Suppose you write “1024" it means that your Virtual memory is 1024 MB and it will use 1024 MB from that drive which you have selected. But be sure that your disk has that space you are going to write in “Initial Size” box. You will see also a “Maximum size” box. In that box you will write the value that you have write in the “Initial Size” box.

5. Then Press the “Set” Button. Don’t forget to press the set button. In some systems he will aks to restart your system then restart it immediately. After restarting your will see that your computer is faster than before.There is one more tip left. Don’t put any data in that drive you have installed your Windows. The more you store data on your Windows drive, the more your computer get slower.

Defragment Your Drives

By Defragmenting your drives your computer will be faster. It cleans your drives and make it run faster.

Clean Your Registry

There is many unuseful registry in our pc. So by cleaning your registry it deletes your unuseful registries and clean all of your registry. It also makes your computer a little bit faster. You can clean your registry by Tuneup Utilities. Search Tuneup Utilities in Google and or Download it from here.

Scan Your PC for Viruses and Spywares

Mostly Viruses, Spywares and Trojans make your computer slower. You want to scan your pc and remove all viruses and spywares. You need to install antivirus to remove viruses and spywares. There are many Antiviruses but i recomment you to install Avira Antivirus and scan for viruses and remove them. Google it and or go to and download it from there.

Scan Your PC for broken Shortcuts

Scan your Computer for any unuseful shortcut. Delete all the broken and unuseful shortcuts in your Computer. It is also a trick to make  your computer faster. You can scan your pc for broken shortcuts by Tuneup Utilities. Search it on Google and you will find it.

How To Log Into Multiple Facebook Accounts Simultaneously

Log Into Multiple Facebook Accounts

Do you have multiple Facebook, Gmail, Orkut, Myspace accounts? I’m sure most of you have.I have seen many people having multiple IDs. I myself have multiple Gmail IDs.Well why we have more than one account?, I would say mainly for privacy. I use one account for personal use and other for general use. May be you have some other reason to use. But the question is how we can log into multiple Facebook or some other accounts simultaneously?
The simple trick is to use different bowser 
But here i have provided some tricks on how to login into multiple Accounts with same browser like FirefoxChrome and Internet Explorer. This trick also works for Orkut, Gmail, Myspace, Yahoo, etc.

Multiple Facebook Logins On Firefox

1. We use Firefox add-on called Multifox is an extension that allows Firefox to login into multiple account by using different user names simultaneously. If you don't have Firefox, then download the latest Firefox 7.

2. Go to Multifox download the latest add-on.

3. Once Firefox add-on installed, your browser will restart.

4. Now use your first Facebook ID to login.

4. then open a new tab right click at the tab and select "Open in a New Identify Profile".

5. Next try to login into your second Facebook Account.

Multiple Facebook Logins On chrome

1. Google Chrome comes with a incognite mode that allows your to login into multiple accounts.

2. Go To Google Chrome browser. Don't have Google Chrome get it from Here.

3. Click on Tools icon and select New Incognito Window or you can press Ctrl + Shift + N to open a new Incognito Window.

4. Now login into multiple Facebook Accounts.

Multiple Facebook Logins On Internet Explorer

1. Internet Explorer comes with a New Session mode that allows you to open brand new window session.

2. Open your Internet Explorer and login into your first Facebook account.

3. From menu bar click on File tab select New session. This will open a new window.

4. Now you should be able to login by using your second Facebook ID.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Facebook Video Calling: How To Set Up & Start a Video Call?

Facebook has finally started filling up the missing blanks on their social network as an answer to Google Plus Project. Together with Skype, Facebook has launched its first ever Video Calling option on there website. Facebook Users can now not only chat but they can now see their loved ones smile, wink and say lol face to face! So far there are no latency issues and video calling loads faster and works without pauses or any other pros. You don't need to install any software or application to make this function work. Below you will find some useful Facebook video calling tips.

How do I set up video calling?

To start a video call with a friend you will first need to complete a quick, one-time setup:
  1. To call a friend, click the video icon at the top of your chat window.
  2. Simply click the “Set Up” button and follow the easy instructions for how to set up video calling on your favorite browser.
  3. Once installed successfully the video call will start automatically or you can ring back your friend by clicking the video call button at the top right corner of your friends profile

How do I start a video call with a friend?

After the one-time set up you are now ready to make your first call:
set up video call
  1. Visit your friend’s profile and click the “Call” button in the top right corner. You can also click the video icon at the top of the chat window.
  2. When your friend answers, be patient and wait for sometime till both your web cams are inter connected.
  3. If your friend is unavailable or offline, you can leave a video message. That's indeed more like Yahoo's Voice service.
For all these steps to correctly work you must make sure that both your webcam and microphone are connected to the right slots and are in a running condition. You can still use video calling even if you don't have a webcam. You will be able to talk to and see your friend but your friend will be able to hear your voice only.

Note: Though Facebook video calling is still a work under progress but you may find these tips useful in future.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Protect Your Facebook Account From Hackers - Facebook Security

Tips To Protect Your Facebook Account:

Before using your Facebook account, you should know how to Keep Your Facebook Protected. These days Facebook is the largest social networking and sharing site which is being used by millions of users. So the main target of every hackers is to hack Facebook accounts just for personal pleasure. 

Facebook has very high security which protect your facebook account by getting hacked. But it's not all you want. There are several ways from which you have to be protected. One thing you should keep in your mind that Hacker Can Only Hack Your Facebook With Your Mistake. So don't make any serious mistake while using Facebook.

Keep the following tips in your mind and follow them. I hope after following the tips, you'll never say My Facebook is Hacked !

1. Always use a strong password and don't let your browsers remember it because hackers can get your password from your computer if you have selected your browser to remember your passwords.

2. Don't write or save your password in your computer, paper or any other thing. Just keep your password in your mind to keep it safe.

3. Don't sign in to your Facebook Account from any other computer except those on which you can trust. Because some people have installed softwares to record the keys which are pressed on their computer.

4. Don't login in to your Facebook Account from any other link except Because some hackers have made a fake login page. They can easily get your password if you logged in from a Fake Facebook Login page.

5. Always add at least two emails of yours in your Facebook Account. Because if one get hacked, you can use another one for your Facebook.

6. Always get logged out if you want to leave your Facebook Account.

7. Don't write any information of your Facebook on any website or any other thing. Because sometimes the hackers send a messages to you for example they send an email to you that there is an error in your Facebook Account. Please login to fix it. When you will login to fix the error the hackers will get your password.

8. Only allow trusted games and applications to access your profile.

9. Do not download any unknown file unless you are sure that it is safe.

How To Hide Text In Notepad

Trick To Hide Text In Notepad

Step 1
  Launch the command prompt. Go to Run and Type cmd and hit Enter.
  1. Click Start menu button 
  2. Click All Programs >Accessories >Command Prompt.

Step 2
  Type cd.. to move to C:\> drive or If you want to create file in desktop, type cd desktop and press Enter.
Step 3

  Type the below code in your command prompt
  notepad textfile.txt:hidden and press Enter.

  A new notepad will open and ask whether to create a new file or not. Click Yes and a new file is created.

Step 4
  Write the data you want to hide. Next Save (Ctrl+S) the file and close the notepad.

Step 5
  Browse to the file location and Open textfile.txt you cannot see any data in the file.It should be completely blank
Step 6
  In order to read the hidden contentOpen command prompt and type notepad textfile.txt:hidden (same command) and press Enter.

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